Key competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes:


Composed of established concepts, facts, ideas and theories that support an understanding of a given area or topic.


Defined as the ability to carry out processes and use existing knowledge to achieve results.


Describe the disposition and mindset to act or react to ideas, people or situations. 

Key competencies are developed throughout life through formal, non-formal and informal learning in different settings, including family, school, workplace, neighborhood and other communities.

Literacy competence


Involves knowledge of reading and writing and a solid understanding of written information. Requires knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar, and the functions of language. Includes an awareness of the main types of verbal interaction, a variety of literary and non-literary texts, and the main features of different language styles and registers. 


Individuals should have the ability to communicate both orally and in writing in a variety of situations. Monitor and adapt their own communication according to the needs of the situation. Distinguish and use different types of sources, search for, gather and process information, use aids, and formulate and express oral and written arguments in a convincing and contextually appropriate manner. Includes critical thinking and the ability to evaluate and work with information.


A positive attitude toward literacy involves a willingness to engage in critical and constructive dialogue, an appreciation of aesthetic qualities, and an interest in interacting with others. It involves an awareness of the impact of language on others and the need to understand and use language in a positive and socially responsible manner. Literacy competence refers to the ability to identify, understand, express, create, and interpret concepts, feelings, facts, and opinions both orally and in writing, using visual, audio/audio/visual, and digital materials in different disciplines and contexts.



Requires knowledge of the vocabulary and functional grammar of different languages. Awareness of the main types of verbal interaction and language registers. Knowledge of social conventions, as well as the cultural aspect and variability of languages.


Ability to understand spoken messages, initiate, maintain and conclude conversations. Reading, understanding and writing texts in different languages, with different levels of proficiency according to individual needs. Appropriate use of tools and formal, non-formal and informal language learning throughout life.


Appreciation of cultural diversity and an interest and curiosity for different languages and intercultural communication. Respect for the individual linguistic profile of each person, including respect for the mother tongue of persons belonging to minorities and/or with a migrant background, as well as an appreciation of the official languages of a country as a common framework for interaction. Multilingual competence defines the ability to use different languages appropriately and effectively for communication. It broadly shares the main skill dimensions of literacy.

Competence in Science, Technology and Engineering


Understands basic principles of the natural world, fundamental scientific concepts, theories, principles and methods, as well as technology and technological products and processes.


Understand science as a process of inquiry through specific methodologies, including observations and controlled experiments. Ability to communicate conclusions and the reasoning that led to them.


Includes an attitude of critical appreciation and curiosity, a concern for ethical issues, and support for both safety and environmental sustainability. Science competency refers to the ability and willingness to explain the natural world using scientific knowledge and methodology.

Competencies in technology and engineering are applications of that knowledge and methodology in response to perceived human needs.

Digital competence


Understand how digital technologies can support communication, creativity and innovation. Be aware of the opportunities, limitations, effects and risks of digital technologies. Understand the underlying principles, mechanisms and logic of evolving digital technologies. Know the basic function and use of different devices, software and networks.


Use of digital technologies to support active citizenship, social inclusion, collaboration and creativity. Ability to use, access, filter, evaluate, create, program and share digital content. Manage and protect digital information, content, data, and identities. Recognize and engage effectively with software, devices, artificial intelligence or robots.


Reflective and critical approach towards digital technologies and content, maintaining an open and proactive attitude towards their evolution. Ethical, safe and responsible approach to the use of digital tools.

Digital competence involves the confident, critical and responsible use of digital technologies for learning, work and participation in society. It includes aspects such as information and data literacy, communication, collaboration, digital content creation, security, digital well-being and intellectual property issues.

Personal, social and learning to learn competence 


Essential for successful interpersonal relationships and social participation. Understanding of accepted codes of conduct and rules of communication in different societies and environments. Awareness of the components of a healthy mind, body and lifestyle. Knowledge of preferred learning strategies, skill development needs and ways to improve them.


Ability to identify own capabilities, focus, manage complexity, critically reflect and make decisions. Ability to learn and work collaboratively and autonomously. Organize and persevere in learning, evaluate and share it. Resilience and ability to manage uncertainty and stress. Communicate constructively in different environments, collaborate in teams and negotiate.


Based on the ability to show tolerance, express and understand different points of view. Building trust and empathy.

Personal, social and learning competence refers to the ability to reflect on oneself, manage time and information effectively, work constructively with others, maintain resilience and manage one's own learning and career.

Citizenship competence


Based on concepts and phenomena related to individuals, groups, work organizations, society, economy and culture. Understanding of common European values, national, European and world historical developments. Awareness of the goals, values and policies of social and political movements, as well as sustainable systems, especially climate and demographic changes on a global level. Knowledge about European integration, diversity and cultural identities in Europe and the world.


Related to the ability to interact effectively with others in common or public interest, including sustainable development of society. Critical thinking, integrated problem solving, developing arguments and constructive participation in community activities and decision making at all levels. Ability to access, critically understand and interact with traditional and new media.


Respect for human rights as a basis for democracy. Constructive participation in democratic decision-making at all levels and civic activities. Support for social and cultural diversity, gender equality, social cohesion, sustainable lifestyles and promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence.

Citizenship competency refers to the ability to act as responsible citizens and participate fully in civic and social life, based on an understanding of social, economic, legal and political concepts, as well as global developments and sustainability.

Entrepreneurship competence


Comprises the ability to recognize opportunities and transform ideas into value for others. It is based on creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.


Grounded in creativity, which includes imagination, strategic thinking and problem solving. Ability to take initiative and persevere in achieving goals. Ability to work collaboratively, plan and manage projects that have cultural, social or financial value.


Characterized by a sense of initiative and agency, proactivity and forward thinking. Includes a desire to motivate others, value their ideas, empathy and care for people and the world. Assumes responsibility and adopts ethical approaches throughout the process.

Entrepreneurship competence refers to the ability to act on opportunities and ideas and transform them into value for others. It is based on creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, and the ability to work collaboratively in planning and managing projects of cultural, social or financial value.

Cultural awareness and expression competence


Requires knowledge of local, national, regional, European and global cultures, including their languages, heritages, traditions and cultural products. Understanding of how these expressions can influence each other and how they can influence the individual's ideas. Understands the different ways of communicating ideas between creator, participant and audience through different media and art forms.


Ability to express and interpret ideas, experiences and emotions with empathy in different artistic and cultural forms. Ability to identify and realize opportunities of personal, social or commercial value through the arts and other cultural forms. Participation in creative processes, both individually and collectively.


Importance of having an open attitude toward and respect for diversity of cultural expression. Recognition of how the arts and other cultural forms can be a way of seeing and shaping the world.

Cultural awareness and expression competency involves understanding, developing and expressing ideas, traditions and values of different cultures and art forms. It is based on appreciation and respect for cultural diversity and the ability to express oneself through a variety of media and art forms.